Based on our recent studies [1-4], team efforts are being made to engineer hierarchical lattice structural responses to impact loading via multiscale modeling and evaluation. In the conference, a comparative study will be presented with the use of molecular dynamics (MD) and material point method (MPM) which are discrete and continuum-based particle methods, respectively. Especially, a multiscale verification and validation procedure will be illustrated by performing both MD and MPM modeling and evaluation of architected solids under impact loading. It appears that the MD and MPM solutions are consistent in capturing the physical responses. Thus, the MPM and its advanced versions might be employed for multiscale modeling and evaluation of extreme events involving architected materials, which could be verified via comparative study with other particle methods and validated against available experimental data with corresponding spatial and temporal resolutions.
[1] Giraldo-Londono, O., Muneton-Lopez, R.A., Barclay, P.L., Zhuang, X., Zhang, D.Z., and Chen, Z., “Toward Engineering Lattice Structures with the Material Point Method (MPM),” to appear in Recent Advances in Meshfree and Particle Methods, Engineering with Computers, 2024.
[2] Saffarini, M., Sewell, T., Su, Y., and Chen, Z., “Atomistic Study of the Impact Response of Bicontinuous Nanoporous Gold as a Protection Medium: Effect of Porous-Nonporous Interface on Failure Evolution,” Computational Materials Science, Vol. 228, No. 112363, 2023.
[3] Su, Y., and Chen, Z., “Study of the Shear-band Evolution across the Interface between Different Spatial Scales,” Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 11, pp. 73-88, 2024.
[4] Su, Y.C., Saffarini, M.H., and Chen, Z., “Investigation of the Impact Response of Bi-continuous Nanoporous Solids via the Material Point Method: Verification against the Molecular Dynamics Simulation,” to appear in International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2024.