The Mach Conference program is largely comprised of symposia that are organized around specific topics of interest, each of which contains one or more sessions. Symposia for the 2025 Mach Conference will be selected from proposals submitted by organizers and will be announced at a later date.
Below you will find offerings from last year’s Mach Conference.
Organizers: Debjoy Mallick (ARL), Suraj Ravindran (UMN), Ankit Srivastava (TAMU), Justin Wilkerson (TAMU)
Summary: High strain-rate characterization techniques have traditionally been a major bottleneck in the discovery of novel materials exhibiting unprecedented performance under dynamic loading. Put another way, new materials are being synthesized at such a pace that the dynamic mechanical behavior of the vast majority of these materials go untested. In an ideal world, a few dozen high strain-rate experiments would be conducted at strain rates ranging from 10^3 to 10^9/s for each and every promising new material. To significantly increase the fraction of novel materials whose dynamic properties are known, there is a critical need for advanced high strain-rate experimental techniques that fully harness automation. Moreover, small-scale dynamic testing has the added advantage of enabling dozens of tests to be conducted on relatively small volumes of materials, which is particularly valuable when large quantities of materials are expensive or difficult to obtain. Our symposium seeks talks on novel experimental techniques to address these shortcomings, e.g. automated and/or miniature Kolsky bar testing, dynamic nano-indentation, laser-driven flyer experiments, laser-induced projectile impact testing (LIPIT), high-throughput gas gun testing and simultaneously launched distributed particles (SLDP), etc. Additionally, we seek talks on theoretical and computational methods for calibrating high strain-rate deformation, failure, fracture, and fragmentation constitutive equations from the aforementioned novel experimental measurements.
Organizers: Arezoo Zare (WSU), Dimitrios G. Giovanis (JHU), Jacob M. Diamond (JHU), Belinda P. Johnson (LANL)
Summary: Characterization of material properties in extreme environments has been traditionally very resource intensive and as a result the large datasets needed to establish structure-property-performance relationships in these conditions are often lacking. Furthermore, while post-mortem characterization provides valuable insights into the mechanisms that underline materials performance, it can miss dynamic and transient phenomena that occur in these far-from-equilibrium conditions. This symposium focuses on experimental developments in characterization of material properties of condensed matter at elevated pressures and temperatures, particularly under dynamic compression and shock loading. Topics of interest include:
Organizers: Mohmad Mohsin Thakur (JHU), Brett Kuwik (JHU), Sohanjit Ghosh (JHU)
Summary: For decades, dynamic properties of geological materials and concrete have been measured indirectly using macroscale experiments and continuum-scale numerical modeling. However, such approaches cannot provide an in-depth understanding of the material response, which can be captured comprehensively only if underlying mechanisms at the microscale are resolved at different time scales. Recent advances in diagnostics, such as time-resolved in-situ x-ray phase contrast imaging, high-speed digital image correlation, flash x-ray imaging, and spectroscopy have enabled improved measurements of heterogeneous shock response in these materials. Such advances in experimental measurements provide a unique opportunity to develop and validate robust multiscale numerical models of heterogeneous materials. For this mini symposium, we invite contributions that focus on advances in experimental and numerical approaches in quantifying the heterogeneous shock response of geological materials and concrete. We particularly welcome contributions that use high-fidelity experimental measurements to validate numerical modeling of shock response in heterogeneous materials. The objective of this mini symposium is to provide a forum for discussing state-of-the-art experimental technologies and new modeling approaches to elucidate a fundamental understanding of shock response in geological materials and concrete.
Organizers: Morgan Trexler (APL), Leslie Hamilton (APL), Chris Stiles (APL), Elizabeth Reilly (APL), Ashwini Gupta (JHU)
Summary: In an era defined by rapidly advancing technology and growing challenges posed by extreme environments, there is a need to explore groundbreaking developments at the intersection of artificial intelligence and materials science. This session will bring together leading experts, researchers, and innovators to delve into the transformative potential of AI in addressing the pressing needs of extreme environments, such as space exploration, deep-sea exploration, nuclear environments, hypersonic flight, and harsh industrial applications. This interdisciplinary session will focus on recent breakthroughs in scientific machine learning and deep learning, showcasing their applications in diverse domains such as materials characterization, mechanics, manufacturing, fluid dynamics, multi-scale and/or multi-physics modeling, uncertainty quantification, inverse problems, and optimization.
Organizers: Prof. Kshitiz Upadhyay (LSU), Prof. Reuben Kraft (Penn State), Dr. Amy Dagro (ARL)
Summary: Our understanding of the dynamic behavior of biological materials is necessary in a wide range of research applications: from the development of new clinical technologies, to the design of next generation helmets. However, biological and biomimetic materials possess heterogeneity, stress-strain nonlinearity, rate-dependence, time-dependence, and anisotropy which contribute unique technical challenges in characterizing their responses in experimentation and modeling. This interdisciplinary symposium seeks to foster technical discussions between researchers in the fields of experimental and computational mechanics, materials science, biology, medicine, and physics, who are involved in the research and analysis of the mechanical deformation, damage and failure of biological and biomimetic soft materials at all length scales (e.g., molecular to continuum-level). Examples of relevant subjects include, but are not limited to:
Organizers: Dr. Cristophe Czarnota (University of Lorraine – France), Dr. José A. Rodríguez-Martínez (University Carlos III of Madrid – Spain)
Summary: High strain-rate damage and failure of deformable solids is a constantly evolving scientific field which poses a real challenge in terms of experimentation and modeling. Driven by different industrial sectors, the research devoted to the study of the physical mechanisms responsible for damage and fracture of engineering materials like metals, polymers, ceramics and composites under extreme loading conditions has been especially prolific over the last decade. Nevertheless, despite the significant efforts spent by scientists in increasing their understanding of the processes of strain localization, damage and failure, it is clear that many scientific questions remain open. Within this general theme, three main areas will be covered in this Symposium: (1) experimental and numerical techniques, (2) material, spatial and temporal length scales and (3) failure mechanisms at various conditions (e.g. instabilities, shock loading, fragmentation).
Organizers: Dr. Hamed Attariani (Wright State University)
Summary: There is an urgent need to revisit the design, development, fabrication, and testing techniques of electronic materials and devices in order to overcome the current bottlenecks in the era of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT). This is particularly important because these materials and devices find applications in non-conventional and extreme environments, necessitating the development of novel materials. This session aims to feature diverse speakers specializing in novel material characterization and modeling, as well as device design, fabrication, and testing for electronic materials/devices under extreme conditions. These extreme environments encompass hypersonic flight, space, high-temperature applications, and irradiation. Electronic materials encompass a wide range of substances, including ultra-wideband gap materials, semiconductors, superconductors, phase-change materials, and photonic materials. Electronic devices span various categories, including Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs), sensors, Phase-change random access memory (PCRAM), and nanophotonic devices. Additionally, we are interested in exploring innovative integration approaches involving organic materials, such as carbon-based backbone nanocomposites, and adopting emerging manufacturing methods like 3D-printed electronics and batteries.
Organizers: Lori Graham-Brady (JHU), Raymundo Arroyave (TAMU), Chris Haines (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), Debjoy Mallick (U.S. Army Research Laboratory), Ian McCue (Northwestern University), Michael Shields (JHU), Ankit Srivastava (TAMU), Justin Wilkerson (TAMU)
Summary: Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) present powerful avenues for exploring novel materials for applications in extreme conditions. Such approaches present considerable opportunity, especially when coupled with high-throughput experimental approaches that allow larger and richer datasets, computational tools that capture increasingly complex material behavior, and data infrastructure for real-time collaboration driving towards new materials. This mini-symposium, organized by the ARL-funded High-throughput Materials Discovery for Extreme Conditions (HTMDEC) team, will include contributions related to high-throughput synthesis and processing, ML-enhanced computational modeling, AI- and data-driven materials design, high-throughput materials characterization and testing, and the integration of some or all of these tools.
Organizers: Justin Moreno (JHU), Matt Shaeffer (JHU)
Summary: Understanding material behavior under high velocity impacts incorporates phenomena such as impact flash, extreme deformation, fracture and fragmentation, granular flow, and high temperature material behavior. Research in these areas is extremely relevant to the topics presented and discussed at the conference. Researchers across academia, government and industry are invited to present their work related to modeling and/or experimental investigation of hypervelocity impact or impact related phenomena.
Organizers: Douglas E. Spearot (University of Florida), Khanh Q. Dang (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Debjoy D. Mallick (Army Research Laboratories), Suraj Ravindran (University of Minnesota)
Summary: This symposium provides a forum for researchers to discuss experimental, computational, and theoretical studies focused on the kinematics of defects and defect networks during high strain rate or dynamic loading. Research efforts that integrate experimental, computational and theoretical techniques are of particular interest. Relevant defects include dislocations, twins, voids/porosity (such as those formed during spallation), grain boundaries, phase transformations and networks of these defect types. Ultimately, this symposium will highlight the necessary integration of materials science and mechanics in determining the performance or properties of materials under extreme mechanical deformations.(1) Modeling and simulation using advanced numerical approaches such as density functional theory, molecular dynamics, phase-field simulations, or crystal plasticity. (2) Data-driven approaches toward understanding relationships between defect kinematics and loading states, including database development. (3) Analytical models for defect kinematics based on elastodynamics or other theories. (4) Experiments and experimental characterization methods to study the evolution of defects or microstructure during high strain rate or dynamic loading.
Organizers: Jochen Mueller (JHU), Jamie Guest (JHU), Stavros Gaitanaros (JHU)
Summary: Architected and (multi-)functional materials combine topology and mesoscale morphological features to reach combinations of mechanical, acoustic, and thermal properties that are unattainable by traditional monolithic solids. Material systems, such as cellular solids, micro- and nano-lattices, and multi-phase composites, have the potential to transform the way modern engineering structures are designed and manufactured, with applications ranging from space structures and impact mitigation to biomedical implants and energy storage devices. This symposium will discuss the latest advances in the design, manufacturing, and mechanics of architected and (multi-)functional materials. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Organizers: Dr. Christopher S. Meyer (US Army Research Laboratory), Prof. Kedar Kirane (Stony Brook University), Dr. Bazle Z. Haque (MZH Technologies, LLC), Sakshi Braroo (JHU)
Summary: Composite materials and their constituent fibers and matrix are composed of structural elements at a higher length scale which are themselves composed of structural elements at lower length scales. Mechanical response and damage behavior at higher length scales are governed by processes at lower length scales. Thus, analysis, design, and evaluation of these materials benefit from a multiscale approach to modeling and experiments to capture behavior resulting from structures at multiple scales. This symposium is focused on studies of mechanical and damage response of brittle materials including composites and their constituents. Emphasis is placed on modeling these materials at any length scale from the atomic scale through the continuum scale. Novel multiscale modeling methods that bridge the gap between structural levels are encouraged. Of interest are models and experiments investigating interface/interphase, meso- and micromechanical behavior, homogenization, atomistic to continuum scale modeling, multiscale modeling of damage and fracture, and novel approaches to coupling of length scales.
Organizers: Ilia Nikiforov (University of Minnesota), Chris Bartel (University of Minnesota), Rodrigo Freitas (MIT), Ellad Tadmor (University of Minnesota)
Summary: This session will focus on three synergistic and rapidly developing thrusts enabling material discovery and characterization across a wide range of structures and compositions: 1) Atomistic calculation databases and high-throughput computational frameworks. These include databases that use density functional theory (DFT) to propose candidate materials from crystallographic prototypes, nonequilibrium DFT databases for interatomic potential (IP) fitting, computational frameworks for classical IPs, and aggregator databases that combine data from others. 2) Design and fitting of interatomic potentials covering a large portion of the periodic table. These include machine-learning (ML) based IPs enabled by the recent availability of DFT fitting data, as well as physics-based potentials used for systems such as high-entropy alloys and glasses. 3) High-throughput and autonomous materials discovery and characterization. This includes robot-driven experiments that scan and characterize a range of compositions or are guided by feedback loops using Bayesian or ML approaches. These three areas of research operate in a feedback loop aimed at materials discovery. DFT repositories provide hypothetically synthesizable materials and their ideal properties. IPs reach larger length scales and allow investigation of defects and failure mechanisms. Candidate materials with favorable properties can then be synthesized to validate the computed properties. From experiments, previous steps in the loop can be corrected and new prototypes can be discovered, restarting the process.
To view conference agendas from past years (including speakers), click here.