Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber-reinforced composites are used as protective materials against ballistic impact due to their impressive properties such as their high strength and low weight characteristics. This work investigates the dynamic behavior of UHMWPE fiber-reinforced composite under ballistic and plate impact to further understand its performance. Ballistic resistance of the material was studied by impacting 3 mm 304 stainless steel spheres on UHMWPE plates of size 3 x 3 in at 900 – 1200 m/s. Data analysis includes in-situ diagnostics such as Stereo Digital Imaging Correlation, high-speed camera imaging at 2 million frames per second, and flash X-ray. Post-mortem analysis of the sample includes micro-CT scans to understand penetration depth and material deformation. In addition, we characterized the shock wave behavior of the UHMWPE composite with plate impact experiments using Photon Doppler Velocimetry and high-speed camera imaging was also used to observe the impact event. The result of this study helps characterize the dynamic response of this material and provides valuable insights into its performance under high velocity impact loading.