All spacecraft are increasingly at risk of hypervelocity impact from micrometeoroids and orbital debris. Meanwhile, new hypersonic weapons pose significant ballistic threats to military and civilian assets. In both scenarios, the declining effectiveness of traditional armor necessitates the creation of specialized, layered HVI protective…
When a shock wave reflects at the interface between the surface of a metal presenting geometrical defects and air, the defects invert and form thin jets. These jets expand ahead of the main metal surface, and the high strain rate they undergo leads to…
In this study, an automated high-throughput Laser-driven Micro-flyer plate Impact (LMI) experimental system was used to investigate the spall strength of pure copper with grain sizes ranging from 10⁻⁹ to 10⁻⁵ m at varying strain rates and shock pressures. The samples were copper polycrystals…
High-velocity impact analysis is crucial in defense, aerospace, and materials science, involving scenarios like projectiles hitting vehicles and aircraft in dusty environments. These conditions lead to extreme pressures, high strain rates, and rapid temperature changes that affect material performance. The modeling of these conditions…
Digital volume correlation (DVC) of volumetric images acquired by in-situ X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT) provides an effective technique to measure the internal deformations of a particle composite material under loading. In this paper, a particle composite is prepared by embedding idoxuridine (IDOX) crystals (size…
Laser driven micro flyer experiments were performed in order to investigate the role of microstructure in the dynamic performance and spall strength of Silicon Carbide. This work compares the conventional gas gun plate impact experiments with the higher strain rate laser shock experiments. Commercially…
Rubbers are effective materials for mitigating shock waves and high-velocity impacts. Despite their potential benefits in these extreme applications, relatively few studies have rigorously investigated the penetration behavior of rubbers or their shock Hugoniots. Here, we present experiments that quantify the ability of a…
Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) fiber-reinforced composites are used as protective materials against ballistic impact due to their impressive properties such as their high strength and low weight characteristics. This work investigates the dynamic behavior of UHMWPE fiber-reinforced composite under ballistic and plate impact…
Additively manufactured (AM) ceramic materials provide an unprecedented level of control over specimen geometry superior to the conventional subtractive counterpart. The byproduct of this method includes defects in material geometry such as a high degree of porosity and larger grain sizes. Currently, there is…
Characterizing the ejecta generated from projectile penetration events is essential in defense and planetary sciences applications. For example, understanding the behavior of the debris cloud during missile strikes can help us minimize collateral damage. Studying the ejecta generated from both man-made and natural impacts…