An experimental apparatus designed to measure the dynamic behavior of materials under strain rates around 10³ s⁻¹ and temperatures up to 800°C is developed in this study. The system builds upon the traditional Kolsky (split-Hopkinson pressure) bar setup, incorporating an external furnace to heat…
The specific energy absorption (Ep*) by a protective shield during projectile impacts depends on many factors, including material’s constitutive response, density, and layer thickness, deformation and failure mechanisms, and projectile’s shape, mass, and velocity. Laser-induced projectile impact test (LIPIT) allows testing sub-micron-thick materials with…
elaxation dynamics, as a key to understand glass formation and glassy properties, remains an elusive and challenging issue in condensed matter physics. In this presentation, I will introduce our recent development of in situ high-pressure synchrotron high-energy x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, which enable us…
High-energy X-rays (HEX) above 60 keV are quite valuable, especially for partially or fully disordered materials, because they allow structural studies in both real and reciprocal space, while the moderate X-rays (e.g., 30 keV) can only be used to study the long-range periodic structure…