Polymer Bonded Explosives (PBXs) are typically comprised of a crystalline energetic suspended in a polymeric binder. These materials exhibit complex heterogeneous deformation which makes accurate quantification and simulation of the thermo-mechanical response extremely challenging. To capture the multiscale behavior of these materials, we employ the micromorphic theory of Eringen and Suhubi. This method attempts to capture the influence of micro-scale deformation and stress with increased fidelity through a higher order approach based on volume and surface area averages of the micro-scale behavior. We use this averaging construction to overcome the criticism of the increased parameterization that accompanies higher-order approaches by creating a filter which directly computes the balance equation terms from Direct Numeric Simulations (DNS) of the micro-scale. The resulting stress-deformation behavior can then be used to calibrate classical or higher-order constitutive models which capture the heterogeneous microscale at reduced computational cost. We here present the results of the micromorphic filter as applied to DNS of an Idoxuridine mock of PBX 9501. A finite deformation micromorphic elasto-plasticity model is calibrated to the results of the filtering which can then be used to simulate additional loading environments independently of the DNS.